Thursday 20 June 2013

Hey, I thought of starting off with an obvious choice of mine. This photo was taken when I was returning to college after the Diwali break. I remember as I had a lot of stuff to carry to ease out the chill yet to come, so dad chose to drive me to Patiala instead of a train or a bus. Indeed it was a great drive with the road shadowed by the canopy of trees.
The Perfect Drive
This was the best part of the road where there was absolutely no traffic on the road and it passed though a couple of villages only and ultimately this shortcut of ours was indeed very short bypassing Rajpura and reducing the journey by atleast 20km.

The photo was taken with my Canon 550D, ISO 200, Exposure Time - 1/200, F-stop - f/5.6

Since do to usage of a couple of photos of mine without my knowledge or permission and Facebook not willing to do anything, I have now placed a small watermark on the corner of each of my photograph.

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